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Category: Plants

How to grow or sprout oats at home?

Oats grown at home, rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients, are loved by pets, and sprouted grains of oats are useful for people. There are no difficulties in growing this grain crop at home. Methods for growing oats...

How, when and how is a peach tree cut?

Peach pruning must be carried out not only correctly, but also in a timely manner. The volume of the harvest directly depends on this. You will learn when and how to do this in this article.What type of crown to choose? As a result of pruning the tree, a strong, powerful crown should be formed, allowing the tree...

How to grow dill in open ground?

Dill is an annual herbaceous plant, unpretentious to care and resistant to frost. These characteristics make it possible to cultivate it in open ground without any special difficulties. However, even when growing such an undemanding plant, it is necessary to adhere to agrotechnical recommendations....

Citrine wormwood

Wormwood belongs to a large genus of the same name of herbaceous plants from the Aster family. Citrine wormwood Botanical characteristics Citrine wormwood is a Compositae plant, a perennial desert shrub growing up to 0.7 m in height. Has a peculiar smell....

Early Cabbage Varieties: Varieties, Planting and Growing

Cabbage does not belong to the early vegetables, however, it also has early varieties that allow us to enjoy this product already at the beginning of the summer period. The following article describes the varieties, their features, cultivation and harvesting. Features of early cabbage Early ripening cabbage varieties are short...

Hosta transplant rules in the autumn

Hosta is a perennial ornamental plant that many gardeners and summer residents fell in love with. It belongs to the Asparagus family, the flower goes well with conifers and shrubs. But the correct hosta transplant requires some skill and knowledge. Hosta transplant rules in the autumn period Features...

Description of Fingercorn

Fingercorn, or dactyloriza, refers to herbaceous plants of the orchid family. It has up to 40 species and about 70 hybrids, including 14 species specimens and 8 hybrid ones grow on the territory of Russia. The most widespread is the spotted fingernail, but there are others...

The use of wormwood in magic

Magic rituals and ceremonies have long been carried out to improve life. To enhance the effect, sorcerers use herbal ingredients. Wormwood in magic is a popular herb, it is famous for its protective properties, it is used to receive answers and attract higher powers to their side. Wormwood application...

How to grow apricot from seed - step by step instructions

The fruit of an apricot tree, or apricot is a unique and delicious fruit. It has a lot of useful elements: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, provitamin A, many acids and important trace elements. To grow an apricot tree yourself and get a good harvest, you need to know about the right choice of seeds for...