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Category: Plants

Watercress - its varieties and subtleties of growing

Watercress is a vegetable plant that is gaining more and more popularity every year because of its spicy flavor due to the content of mustard oil. Along with gastronomic value, unpretentiousness in the care of watercress is a powerful argument in favor of growing a plant on your own...

The main diseases of orchids and their treatment

Florists, acquiring a beautiful indoor plant, try to maintain its healthy appearance. But this can be prevented by orchid disease. They develop for various reasons. It is necessary to start treatment on time so that the flower does not die. The main diseases of orchids and their treatment Factors in the development of diseases...

Description of planting potatoes "under the shovel"

Many gardeners for growing potatoes in household plots use the method of planting "under the shovel." This is the basic option for sowing tubers, as all work can be done manually without the use of special equipment. What is the essence of this method, and how to plant potatoes correctly, find out...

Features of meadow strawberries and rules for caring for them

Every summer, in the fields and meadows, a bright, fragrant berry ripens, popularly known as meadow strawberry. Having planted this wild perennial on its site, gardeners collect good crops of tasty and wholesome fruits. Description of the plant Meadow (field) strawberry (Fragaria viridis) - close...

Features of Stardust onion and the rules for growing it

Onion Stardust is a F1 hybrid, which was bred by Dutch breeders in 1999. It has been grown in Russia for about 20 years, cultivated in all regions of the country. Belongs to perennial varieties. From it, in the first year of cultivation, you can collect a lot of greens, in the second - heads....

How, when and how to feed carrots?

Carrots, like other vegetables, need additional nutrition in the soil for successful growth and the formation of a healthy and rich crop. We learn what fertilizers and when to apply, so that the vegetable gets the maximum benefit. The importance of top dressing Soil composition and the presence of sufficient...

Why tie peas and how to do it right?

Pea garter should not be ignored, even when it is optional for a particular variety. This measure provides many advantages during crop cultivation, which positively affects the crop, its taste characteristics and quality. The need for pea garter...

Rhubarb - its varieties, the rules of planting and growing

Rhubarb belongs to perennials and is a representative of the buckwheat family. It is grown for the sake of juicy petioles, which taste like apples or lemons. About the main plant varieties and about growing it in the open ground - below. Description Rhubarb, although it relates to vegetables, but represents...

A detailed guide to growing barley

Barley is an annual plant of the "cereal" family with a straight, low stem. This unique plant is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals in its composition. It is not surprising that many, knowing about its usefulness, tend to grow barley on their own. ABOUT...