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Category: Gardening

Exotic pomelo fruit

The pomelo fruit belongs to the Rutov family, the Citrus family. Its fruits are the largest of all members of the family. It grows in hot tropical countries. It appeared in supermarkets in Russia not so long ago, because people are not very familiar with the fruit, they often confuse it with grapefruit. Exotic fruit...

What are the benefits and harms of grapefruit

Grapefruit is a natural hybrid of orange and pomelo. It was discovered 3 centuries ago in Barbados. Since then, the fruit has gained popularity all over the world. The benefits and harms of grapefruit are well understood. It contains many substances that have a positive effect on the body. But there are a number of contraindications...

Description of the pear variety Akademicheskaya

To obtain a high and high-quality pear harvest, it is important to choose the right variety. Many gardeners give preference to frost-resistant and autumn species. Akademicheskaya pear is endowed with all positive properties and gives excellent results when harvesting. Description of the pear variety Akademicheskaya...

When the pear bears fruit

The pear bears fruit in about the third year, so it will not work to feast on it immediately after planting. Much depends on the variety: there are varieties of the fruit tree in which fruits appear only 8-10 years after planting. Timing of pear fruiting Reasons for delayed fruiting Delay...

Description of Karataevskaya pear

Pear Karataevskaya is very popular among beginners in the field of gardening. Thanks to its unpretentious care and high yield rates, it has gained recognition all over the world. Description of the Karataevskaya pear Characteristics of the variety Pear of the Karataevskaya variety was bred...

Cultivation of an apple tree People

Apple-tree Narodnoe is a hybrid obtained by breeding Papirovka and Bellefleur-Chinese. It was bred in 1937 by the Institute of Genetics and Horticulture. I.V. Michurin, and in 1964 it was entered in the state register. The variety showed high yields and good adaptation to different climatic...

Calorie content of an orange and its BJU

Since ancient times, people have used the fruits of the evergreen tree for food to strengthen immunity, improve skin condition. Currently, they are used for weight loss, the reason for this is the low calorie content of the orange. Calorie content of an orange and its BJU Composition of an orange Juicy orange citrus...

Description of the Washington Navel orange

Growing exotic plants at home is an interesting practice. These can be flowers, trees or shrubs, pleasing in appearance, and sometimes in fruits. One of the most famous and curious plants is the Washington orange. Description of the orange Washington Navel Feature...

How to take lemon for colds

In the treatment of colds and flu with medications, folk methods are often used. How to take lemon for a cold, everyone needs to know in order to speed up the healing process. Lemon for colds Benefits of lemon Lemon for colds helps fight the symptoms of the disease:...

Varietal features of the Antonovka apple tree

Popular fruit crops adorn gardens and small plots. The Antonovka apple tree is an old species, the exact origin of which is unknown. It is used to create resistant hybrids. Trees of the variety grow on any soil and are undemanding to care for. Varietal features of the apple tree...