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Category: Birds

Chicken egg: structure and chemical components

At first glance, an egg, such a familiar food product for people, has a very complex structure, which is hard to imagine. Even the most insignificant, it would seem, element is designed to perform important functions in the process of birth of a chick. The article discusses the detailed structure of the egg laid...

How to make a laying hen cage from available materials?

The cage-based method of keeping laying hens is often used in confined spaces in the house. In this case, it is necessary to use cells of a special design, and not ordinary ones, otherwise the productivity of individuals will suffer. A suitable design can not only be purchased in the store,...

Bielefelder chickens: breeding and care rules

Birds of this breed have a beautiful appearance, the ability to quickly gain weight and lay eggs during the year. They have good immunity and are not afraid of cold weather, unpretentious in food and maintenance. Nevertheless, there are some features in the rules of keeping and breeding these individuals, which...

Why aren't the hens rushing? What should a farmer do?

Chickens are bred not only for meat: many farms are oriented towards obtaining as many eggs as possible for their subsequent sale. Sometimes the following problem arises - laying hens do not give eggs. There can be many reasons for this. By eliminating negative factors, improvement can be achieved....

The most practical options for cutting chicken

Today, there are several ways to cut chicken, depending on what it will be used for later. From portions of the bird receive several servings, which are then used for frying, cooking, cooking kebabs. Chicken is stuffed with meat or vegetables. The main thing is to learn how to carve correctly...

How to build a barn for geese?

In order to independently build a shed for geese, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the bird, the region of residence, the material base and the number of birds. How to build a barn for geese with your own hands, what you should pay attention to and what materials to use, as well as a detailed description of the process - hereinafter....

Sickle doves: a description of the bird and its features

Crescent pigeons are birds with an interesting appearance and unique flying qualities. Small pigeons are unpretentious in maintenance. Many farmers note the many benefits of these birds. If you take a responsible approach to the issue of care and nutrition, you will be able to get healthy birds with high rates....